Xorg 7.4 breaks mga with G450

Mark Knight markk at knigma.org
Thu Jan 29 06:42:04 PST 2009

In message <1532XLOh3bgJFwKw at lap.knigma.org>, Mark Knight 
<markk at knigma.org> writes
>Well this might make you go "Ha":
>This next log is from the same hardware that I'm now having trouble 
>with Xorg 7.4.

Sorry to follow-up but looks like 7.4 is missing the chip rev and 
therefore seeing the device as a G400 rather than G450:

   (--) PCI:*(0 at 2:0:0) Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400/G450 rev 0
   (--) MGA(0): Chipset: "mgag400" (G400)

the older driver has:

   (--) PCI:*(2:0:0) Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400/G450 rev 130
   (--) MGA(0): Chipset: "mgag400" (G450)

Could this be it?

Mark A. R. Knight                               finger: markk at knigma.org
Tel: +44 7880 556751                            http://www.knigma.org/

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