Unhappy Xorg upgrade

Matt Dawson matt at chronos.org.uk
Sun Feb 1 04:34:11 PST 2009

On Saturday 31 January 2009 21:25:21 Alex Goncharov wrote:
> So, a *fundamental* (practically an OS component) port is brought in
> -- and it disables my system.  What is my way of action?  Right --
> install the old packages, taken from an FTP site (is there a way to
> get the previous "source", that is all the ports/*/*/Makefile files?
> Csup can only go forward -- or can it go back?)

Yes, it can. Read the man page for csup. You can set something like
tag=. date=2008. in your supfile and get back to (within reason) 
any historic point in the tree. You can also tell portupgrade, if you use it, 
to hold off on certain upgrades (try pkg_info -r xorg-7.3_2 for a full list of 
packages to hold in portupgrade.conf, HOLD_PKGS define) if you want to stay 
current, although I can see a few ports failing with odd deps after they've 
been touched by the Xorg bump, so you'd probably be better off using the 
supfile's date method to preserve compatibility between ports. No idea what 
magical incantation to feed to portmaster or portsnap as I've never used them.

That is not to say the new Xorg doesn't work. The only problems I've seen on 
Radeons needed a couple of options lines in xorg.conf due to the 
hald/dbus/xorg race and an fdi to make the keyboard layout match what I 
actually have rather than "us". Easily fixed for now and 7.4 brings some fixes 
to my systems that I have been awaiting for quite some time, most notably the 
horrendous XPress 200M chipset now works with DRI.

Best regards,
Matt Dawson
matt at chronos.org.uk

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