Fwd: ATI driver for Radeon 7500 broken?

Gobbledegeek gobbledegeek at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 06:24:53 UTC 2008

My monitor goes into suspend mode with the ati driver of xorg, and I
 cannot switch terminals back to text console - the only option is a
 hard reboot. In fact I recall it was broken in fbsd 6.2 also.

 Vesa driver works ok except that screen flicker is very noticable at
1280x1024 at 75hz. Ubuntu dapper  6.06LTS does not show this problem on
the same system.

 Is something broken about the ATI and 7500 in Xorg Freebsd?
 This is fbsd 7.0 with Xorg 1.4.0. Nothing unusual in the logs.

Please cc me as I am not subscribed.

 Kind Regards
 [For everything Gobbledegook!!]

Kind Regards
[For everything Gobbledegook!!]

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