HEADSUP for git X.org ports users: change of X11BASE

Rong-en Fan grafan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 07:54:38 UTC 2007

On 4/14/07, Dejan Lesjak <dejan.lesjak at ijs.si> wrote:
> Greetings,
> So there it goes, the patch to change X11BASE to point to $LOCALBASE will go
> into git shortly. Before further updating of your ports, you will need to
> merge stuff that you now have in old X11BASE (/usr/X11R6 by default) onto
> LOCALBASE (/usr/local by default). here's a suggestion how to do that:
> - make a tar backup of /usr/X11R6
> - extract that backup onto /usr/local with option to not overwrite existing
> files
> - remove /usr/X11R6
> - create symlink /usr/X11R6 -> /usr/local for compatibility (configuration
> files, /var/db/pkg package database, ...)
> The above instructions are available in form of shell script here:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~lesi/mergebase.sh
> Feel free to come up with better suggestions.
> What is now in this git tree (with the mentioned change) is pretty much what
> will go into ports tree.
> If anyone plans on testing the upgrade from xorg 6.9 to 7.2, "portupgrade -a"
> or similar should do the right thing (preferably after merging bases).
> Do tell us your experiences, suggestions,...

So, how do I have a correct package database in /var/db/pkg,
i.e., s/X11R6/local/g ?

In addition to this, your script works fine here (I have been
using git tree for some time).

Rong-En Fan

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