X troubles (possibly radeon related)

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Sat Apr 8 23:16:06 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-08 at 12:58 -0700, Fred Cox wrote:
> Several people have reported problems with X.org 6.9
> and Radeon X300, which were "solved" by going back to
> 6.8.2.  This includes total machine lockup with the
> default vga driver as well as various ati and radeon
> drivers.
> Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any visible
> action on the problem.  I get no response when I email
> the Xorg maintainer.
> I don't think they want to believe they've broken
> something.  They want to blame the drivers.

I did respond to your email.  I don't have any response from you.  Your
(private, for some unknown reason) message gave a line with "vga0" from
dmesg that's irrelevant to X's behavior, making me suspect that you were
still using the radeon driver in X, not vga as you claimed.  The radeon
driver in 6.9 (as with 6.8.2, 6.8.1, 6.8.0, 6.7.0, XFree86 4.4, etc.)
had major issues.  The major issues have changed from release to
release, as fixes were applied for some chipset that broke another.
It's really actually hard to get this memory mapping stuff right for
ATI.  It's quite possible that benh has fixed them now in the latest
releases of the ATI driver -- he's studied the problems more in-depth
than anyone before, so the latest radeon driver is probably good when
combined with a good DRM and good DRI drivers.  We have none of these in
FreeBSD currently.

Eric Anholt                     anholt at FreeBSD.org
eric at anholt.net                 eric.anholt at intel.com
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