X.Org release 6.8.0

Eric Anholt eta at lclark.edu
Wed Sep 8 22:50:47 PDT 2004

Just to clarify, since everyone seems to be confused (including our
friends at Slashdot, whom it would clearly kill to check for an actual
announcement of a release), X.Org R6.8.0 has *not* been released.

It will be soon.

When it is, I do plan on updating our ports as soon as possible.  This
probably won't happen for 5.3, unless things go spectacularly well and
portmgr agrees.  Also, my free time is short, now that school has
started back up.

Eric Anholt                                eta at lclark.edu          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         anholt at FreeBSD.org

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