Errors occur when trying to make XFree86-4, cannot build new X Wi ndows

Eric Anholt eta at
Wed Oct 13 10:15:53 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 07:15, Grimes, John, JR (John) wrote:
> Greetings,
> 	I have downloaded the ports from and have encountered the following errors when trying to make the meta-port XFree86-4 4.4.0_1. With the command "make install" I get,
> "Makefile", line 59: Malformed conditional (${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} != xfree86-4)
> "Makefile", line 61: if-less endif
> "Makefile", line 61: Need an operator
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> As I have mentioned earlier, this is preventing me from building X Windows 4.  Than you

You need a current ports/Mk/ directory to build ports.

Eric Anholt                                eta at          anholt at

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