XFree86-4 balls up

Matthew Gardiner kaiwai at vfemail.net
Tue Jun 8 11:44:56 GMT 2004

>>> No, the issue *will* be in config.log.  Because the most popular
>>> suppliers of libXrender don't install xrender.pc, Xft2 doesn't require
>>> it, though it prefers it to exist.  That's why it doesn't just bomb out
>>> when it doesn't find xrender.pc.  Please follow what was asked and post
>>> the config.log so someone can help with your problem.
>> It has been attached to the email.
> Yep, not a problem in the ports system at all.  Turn off your 1337
> CFLAGS in make.conf (like you're supposed to before reporting strange
> errors), rebuild XFree86-4-libraries, and things will work.

Thanks for that. Everything is now compiling nicely. How could a few simply
switches make the difference between something compiling and something going
tits up?


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