Upgrade to 5.3-STABLE broke X?

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Wed Dec 29 21:11:30 PST 2004

(Originally posted to -questions, and someone said this was a known issue 
and to post here instead.  Edited version, as I've learned a bit more 
since the original post.)

Was running 5.3-RELEASE (from CD) on R31 Thinkpad, where Xorg worked just 

I decided to give -STABLE a spin, followed by a "portupgrade".  Now, it's 
unclear at what point the breakage happened, because one followed the 
other straight away without trying X (I know, a big mistake).

Anyway, after what seemed like an eternity (and probably maxing out my 
ADSL link in the process) everything finished, and I fired up "X" (X.org, 
which I had originally, so no issues with XFree86 etc as mentioned in 
UPDATING).  This is when I discovered that a) 6.7.0 got itself upgraded to 
6.8.1 when I was asleep, and b) it didn't work.

Obscure error messages:

(EE) I810(0): Failed to allocate HW (ARGB) cursor space.
(EE) I810(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed. Disabling DRI.
Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

The first message seemed to be because hardware cursors are not supported 
on the i830M, and the second because DRI wanted the first. I disabled 
both, but I still get a SIGSEGV.  Running GDB on the coredump (with and 
without intercepting signals) shows a corrupted stack.

This used to work in 6.7.0, so what broke?  Note that I can't even run 
xorgcfg either, for the same reason.

I poked around wiki.x.org hoping to get release notes etc, to no avail - 
the links are broken.  It also offered the advice of running "xorgcfg" 
(see above), or sending mail to xorg at freedesktop.org (which turned out to 
be a mailing list to which one has to subscribe; it could at least say 

Under the "Known issues after updating" page, it says "to be found and 
written down..." (I kid you not).

What do I do now?  Reinstall FreeBSD?  Install XFree86 instead?  Somehow 
downgrade to 6.7.0?

Do I need some hitherto-unneeded kernel options?  It fails with GENERIC as 

All configurations available upon request.

-- Dave

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