PR Query form is not very useful

Nick Hibma nick.hibma at
Mon Sep 6 09:50:35 UTC 2010

Hm, on freefall I get a lot of results (but very slowly) with

  508 query-pr -q -m hibma

but no results with:

  509  query-pr -q -S hibma
  510  query-pr -q -S n_hibma
  511  query-pr -q -S nick at
  512  query-pr -q -S nick at
  513  query-pr -q -S 'Nick Hibma'
  514  query-pr -q -S 'Philip M. Gollucci'

The last two names I have cut&pasted from a PR that was returned by the first query.

Something is broken I guess. Should I submit a PR?


On 6 Sep 2010, at 11:14, Nick Hibma wrote:

> Hi there!
> I'm trying to find a bug report I might have filed, but the query PR form isn't exactly very helpful. When I fill in my name in any of the fields Responsible, Originater, Text in multi-line fields, or Text in single line fields I do not get _any_ results.
> This is odd to say the least.
> Apart from that, can't we just have a whopping big search box, free form? And do all the trying out various fields behind the scenes?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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