Adding visual representations of our structured XML content

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Mon Apr 21 20:00:41 UTC 2008

Murray Stokely escribió:
> There is a lot of low hanging fruit with the XML content that we could
> be presenting on the website.  For example,
> * The events.xml file includes a <location> tag for each entry, and we
> could provide a map representation of upcoming events, or show how the
> distribution of FreeBSD-related events looks like on a map each year
> and how it has changed over time. (I added a basic map of upcoming and
> past events at the top of
> today).
> * The usergroups.xml file could be cleaned up to include more precise
> location information, then heatmaps of current usergroup activity, or
> graphs of active usergroups by continent or country over time could be
> plotted.
> * New committer and release announcement information from news.xml
> could be annotated more specifically and then plotted as a graph
> showing the rate of these activities over the last N years.
> Of course just because we can do something doesn't mean we should, but
> I do think for things with a geographical component like usergroups a
> map is a natural complement to a huge list with hundreds of entries.
> There are also a number of places where we could be presenting more
> interesting data in a purely text form, and I think at the very least
> a lot of this data would be interesting to see for those interested in
> metrics about the health of the FreeBSD community.
> Thoughts on adding maps for upcoming events and usergroups to the web
> pages?  Any objections to this?
>            - Murray
I would add another idea about structurizing our content: XMLify sitemap
and the index site. I have started something like this, but sincerely
speaking I don't know how to terminate it, my XSLT knowledge is
insufficient yet.

Gabor Kovesdan

EMAIL: gabor at

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