Can I add a news item for FreeSBIE-2.0?

Robert Watson rwatson at
Tue Jan 16 10:38:40 UTC 2007

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Matteo Riondato wrote:

> as you may know (and you probably do, as I spammed some freebsd-* ML's), 
> FreeSBIE-2.0-RELEASE was released yesterday.(full announce: 
> I don't know whether this is the correct place to ask, but may I add a news 
> item for FreeSBIE?

Yes, this sounds good to me!  I'd like to see if we can't find a way to get 
more prominent billing for FreeSBIE, PC-BSD, FreeNAS, etc on the FreeBSD 
Project web page.  Right now it's very hard to find them.  I almost wondered 
if a rotating "Feature" panel could find its way onto our page, with a logo, a 
brief summary, and a link of some sort...  Obviously, there's no room for 
that, so I've CC'd www@ in the hopes they might have some idea how we might do 
this.  Maybe we don't need those pesky security advisories, news, or FreeBSD 
release links? :-)  However, since increasing numbers of FreeBSD users will be 
using FreeBSD through derived open source bundlings and products, it would be 
nice to find a way to make it easier for people visiting the FreeBSD web site 
to find out about this.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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