Main logo title

Jan Engelhardt jengelh at
Sun Oct 16 12:27:47 PDT 2005

Hello list,

visiting again in once a whlie, I noticed this nice redesign.
However, what instantly caught me was that "FreeBSD The power to serve" did 
not look properly scaled, antialiased and alpha-blended. Opening the 
logo.png file in PSP proved this ( ).

I would like to provide a fixed logo which fulfills the three criteria 
above, but I would need to know what font family, kerning values and exact 
colors were used.

Jan Engelhardt

P.S.: Now, I do not want to encourage using Windows, and in fact I am 
spending 95% of my time in Linux, but certain tools just work better in Win.
| Alphagate Systems,
| jengelh's site,

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