new design feedback

Sam Lawrance boris at
Tue Oct 4 16:09:56 PDT 2005

Nice work :-)

I have some early (perhaps too early? :) feedback.  Some pages don't
render as desired when viewed with Safari (maybe konqueror too) or
IE5.2 for Mac.  I built from perforce and cvs with same effect.

On Safari - front page - the grey boxes at bottom appear stacked on
top of each other.

On IE - front page - the content above the grey boxes is clustered at
top left and bottom right, leaving large areas of whitespace everywhere

On IE - docs, get freebsd, support pages - the main content is
positioned below the bottom of the grey navigation box at left, leaving
large areas of whitespace at top right and bottom left.  The
text in the navigation bar is positioned below where it should be.


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