Asking permission for FreeBSD posters and other similar things.

RogueDragon roguedragon at
Mon May 12 18:18:58 PDT 2003

  This address was listed under the vendor's pages, so
I thought it might be a good starting point for my

  While searching the net today for FreeBSD posters, I
was dissapointed to find absolutely none for sale. So,
the wheels started turning in my head. I currently run
a couple of stores to help offset the
costs of my (non-profit) game that I and a few others
run on the internet. Would we be allowed to create a
couple of posters and offer them for sale on the
cafepress site, using the FreeBSD daemon, logos, etc? 
The base price (where we see no profits at all) for
Mini poster prints is $3.99, 16x20 Small posters are
$11.99, 23x35 Large posters are $15.99, Calendar
prints are $3.99, Stickers are $1.99, and Bumper
Stickers are $2.49. We would like to, if it is
alright, to increase the price by up to $5.00 max.
Everything would be done in good taste, similar to the
t-shirts and other images that are available,
(unfortunatly that also means no Beastie killing Bill
Gates or the Linux Penguin.. but oh well..)

  If it would help things any, we would also be
willing to donate some of the profit to FreeBSD.

  If you are not able to answer this, could you please
either direct this to someone who can answer, or send
me information on who to contact instead? (Or if you
know of somewhere to buy posters!)

Jennifer King
RogueDragon @ A Merging of Fates MUD
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