Question about online ath man page regarding access point

Thomas Mueller mueller6724 at
Sat Nov 16 10:54:25 UTC 2013

I see in the man page for ath, and assume much would apply to other wireless adapters,

     Create an 802.11g host-based access point:

           ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap
           ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask 0xffffff00 ssid my_ap \
                   mode 11g

but would the access point, with wired connection, have or use the wireless adapter?

Access point, if I understand correctly, would have a wired connection, such as cable or DSL, and the other computer, with the wireless adapter, would have the Atheros or other wireless adapter.

Or is this done from the wireless client?

Situation I'm thinking of is where a wireless router has Ethernet connection and perheps one computer connects by Ethernet, and one or more other computers or wireless devices want to connect wirelessly.


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