[heads up] please test -HEAD ath(4) 802.11n!

Vincent Hoffman vince at unsane.co.uk
Tue Jun 12 09:04:35 UTC 2012

On 11/06/2012 09:35, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just done some major surgery to the ath(4) TX path to fix TX
> throughput issues on SMP. The commit history has all the sordid
> details.
> I'd really appreciate it if people could test this out in STA and AP
> mode with INVARIANTS/WITNESS enabled. I'd like to ensure I haven't
> introduced LORs or any locking issues.
> As always, positive feedback is also useful (just so I know the code is tested.)
> I'd really like to get this thrashed out so I can move onto
> implementing the management frame prioritisation, power save and
> filtered frame support. Once that's done, I'll enable 802.11n by
> default.
> Thanks again!
Just updated to r236905 so I'll let you know if anything bad happens.

jhary at ostracod $ dmesg | grep ath
ath0: <Atheros 9280> mem 0xfebf0000-0xfebfffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci4
ath0: [HT] enabling HT modes
ath0: [HT] 2 RX streams; 1 TX streams
ath0: AR9280 mac 128.2 RF5133 phy 13.0
ath0: 2GHz radio: 0x0000; 5GHz radio: 0x00c0
ath0: ath_tx_normal_setup: txq=0xffffff8000856a70 (1), pri=3, pri
txq=0xffffff8000856b60 (3)
ath0: ath_tx_normal_setup: txq=0xffffff8000856a70 (1), pri=3, pri
txq=0xffffff8000856b60 (3)
ath0: ath_tx_normal_setup: txq=0xffffff8000856a70 (1), pri=3, pri
txq=0xffffff8000856b60 (3)
ath0: ath_tx_normal_setup: txq=0xffffff8000856a70 (1), pri=3, pri
txq=0xffffff8000856b60 (3)
(10:00:01 <~>) 0

jhary at ostracod $ ifconfig ath0
ath0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 2290
    ether 00:24:23:07:fb:5d
    media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11ng
    status: associated
(10:02:58 <~>) 0
jhary at ostracod $ ifconfig wlan0
wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
    ether 00:24:23:07:fb:5d
    inet netmask 0xfffffff8 broadcast
    inet6 fe80::224:23ff:fe07:fb5d%wlan0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
    inet6 2001:470:9099:1::1 prefixlen 64
    inet 10.x.x.x netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast 10.x.x.255
    media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11ng
    status: associated
    ssid vhoff channel 6 (2437 MHz 11g ht/20) bssid e0:91:f5:48:5b:b9
    regdomain 96 indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON
    deftxkey UNDEF TKIP 2:128-bit TKIP 3:128-bit txpower 20 bmiss 7
    scanvalid 450 protmode CTS ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity 8 shortgi wme
    burst roaming MANUAL
(10:03:02 <~>) 0

> Adrian
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