intel3945 ahdemo/monitor mode error "ifconfig: create: bad value"

Любомир Григоров nm.knife at
Sun Apr 10 01:31:14 UTC 2011

I am trying to put my card into ahdemo (also tried monitor mode) for use
with net-mgmt/aircrack-ng, but it fails:

$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev wpi0 wlanmode ahdemo
ifconfig: create: bad value

I've also tried switching wlan0 and wpi0 with mon0 and moving them all

Here is related [file]rc.conf[/file] entry (since I also use the card to
connect to wifi):

ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHPC"

How can I get the card in ahdemo mode so I can capture and inject packets?


Lyubomir Grigorov (bgalakazam)

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