Matching a name to a port

Dan Langille dan at
Mon Sep 13 11:16:48 PDT 2004

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 01:33:22PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
> > I'm trying to match vuln.xml information against actual ports.  To do
> > this, I need to know how the entries in the <name> field are derived.
> >
> > I first thought it might be PORTNAME.  But that's not the case.  I now
> > think it might be ${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME}$.
> See the definition of PKGNAME in  It is PKGNAME minus the
> version information.
> > If am i correct, then I have some questions about the following entries.
> >
> > What ports do the following refer to?

Jacques: Thanks for pointing out the ports I missed.  I have snipped them
from the discussion so we can concentrate on the others.

> >  ImageMagick-nox11
> graphics/ImageMagick

I see ImageMagick in the names for this vuln.  Where does
ImageMagick-nox11 enter the picture?

> >  libtool
> depends, could be devel/libtool13 or devel/libtool15, or even the
> no-longer-existent devel/libtool or devel/libtool14

Looking at the data:


I suggest we need three package entries to cover the various FreeBSD ports
which have existed.  Please see the mysql suggestion below for an example
of what I mean.

This URL shows the libtool ports in question.

> >  mpg123-esound

We have mpg123, but no mpg123-esound.  I wonder where it comes from.

> >  mplayer-esound
> >  mplayer-gtk
> >  mplayer-gtk-esound
> multimedia/mplayer

I don't know what to do about those.  The vuln has an entry for mplayer,
so we'll catch that on FreshPorts, but not the other tree.

> >  mysql-client
> >  mysql-scripts
> >  mysql-server
> depends, could be any of the database/mysql*-(client|scripts|server) ports.

FreshPorts, or any other code for that matter, has no way
of knowing that port this vuln entry refers to.
Intuitively, yes, we know it's going to be one of mysql323-client,
ysql40-client, and mysql50-client.

Yes, the range entries help human eyes:


I suggest we need two packages:


Should the entry be modified to refer explicity to

> > The answers may be obvious to the trained eye, but how does one write code
> > against this?
> Ports are re-named, moved, removed.  I'm not sure that it can be
> done exactly other than by what I suggested previously: a database
> of the "history" of package names.  IIRC, portupgrade uses ad hoc
> heuristics to guess the port origin from the package name, when the
> ORIGIN comment is not usable for some reason.
> The dichotomy of package name and port origin has always been a
> troublesome aspect of the FreeBSD Ports collection :-(

Moving things around isn't so much of a problem.  Locating them in the
first place is the issue.  Later moves are not a problem.

Dan Langille -
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference:

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