FreshPorts - VuXML tables - diagram

Dan Langille dan at
Thu Aug 26 18:23:50 PDT 2004

Here's the diagram of the tables I'm considering. This should 
duplicate the entire contents of the VuXML table.

The commit_log_ports_vuxml table relates each entry in the vuxml 
table to one or more commits and to specific ports within that 
commit.  The actual PORTREVISION, PORTVERSION, PORTEPOCH etc, are   
stored in another table (commit_log_ports), which is not shown.

Why another table just for vuxml?  It keep the vuxml separate from 
the FreshPorts data.  The table I would put this information it is 
the commit_log_ports table (which has about 138,718 rows).  I expect 
the commit_log_ports_vuxml table to have about 1000 rows (i.e. 
significantly less rows).  I'd consider merging the data if the 
number of vuxml rows started to approach 30% of commit_log_ports... 
but I don't see that happening.

Dan Langille :

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