for the road
Sun Apr 2 12:12:33 UTC 2006

DKDY Trading Patterns Trigger Alert For OTC Investors

Dark Dynamite Inc.
Sym: D K D Y
Last: $0.65
Volume: Spike Alert
Notes: Trading Patterns Show Exciting Week Coming

Over the past several months trading patterns for DKDY have been consistent. 
Market exposure has caused investors to take notice, creating volume jumps
followed with price spikes within 3-5 days.

We have seen price jumps as high as 50% in the beginning of January, and the end of 
February immediately following volume spikes. 

This week volume jumps exceeding 400% increase in trading has grabbed our attention. 
We feel that come Monday we will again see the same trading patterns in previous 

Pull the trading charts and see the increases for yourself. Most important 
don’t forget to get in on DKDY first thing Monday morning. Once the price starts 
to climb, patters show that the is climb fast.

Also read up on recent news releases and market exposure we believe is pushing next 
weeks expected climb.

Get ready for a great day trade this coming trading week.

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