SIS900 NIC [on board], pay some attention, please !

alexander v p alex at
Thu Apr 24 12:19:58 PDT 2003

i had the same problem "MII without any PHY" on ASUS motherboard and for
the time i used additional card ( 3com). anyway, after CVSUP to 4.8 that
card is working. did u try to cvsup to latest 4.X code ?

On Thu, 24 Apr 2003, Alexander wrote:

> Hello there !
> I was writing to freebsd lists some time ago, again asking for some help
> about SIS900 NIC. Then some other people also complained that the sis900
> driver that comes with FreeBSD 4.x and FreeBSD-CURRENT (later 5.0) doesn't
> actually work at all. So some patches were released and also the drivers
> in -STABLE and -CURRENT were also updated. And guess what, it is still not
> working on my laptop ! I really waited long, looked around for some other
> patches or updates but ... nothing ! There was also some people,
> whose SIS900 NICs were also not working, mailed me asking if I got my NIC
> working. But the answer was, and is "NO"
> I'm not mailing the list(s) to tell my story, but to ask someone who is
> interested in auditing the problem and fixing the driver, I'm ready to
> give my whole time for the cause ...
> The problem consists of the "MII without any PHY" while probing for
> the SIS900 NIC and then I simply get kernel panic and can't boot
> any further. The only advantage of all the updatings of the sis900 driver was
> that now the it finds the nic's mac, not very helpfull but it's still
> something.
> I've described most of the problem at the very nice freebsd hardware
> forum:
> Thanks, for at least reading the email :)
> P.S. If You reply to this email, please include my email address while
> responding.
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