HEADSUP usb2/usb4bsd to become default in GENERIC

Thomas Sparrevohn Thomas.Sparrevohn at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 6 16:32:21 PST 2009

On Friday 06 February 2009 15:19:01 M. Warner Losh wrote:
> Doesn't the busdma issue need to be solved before we do this?  usb2
> currently doesn't work if you have memory above 4GB due to this
> issue.  I thought we tagged it as a show stopper for making it the
> default.
> Warner

To be honst - I stongly recommend that it's fixed before. I know the problem is
not related to the USB2 stack as such - However the way the problem occurs
e.g. a corruption in the ATA dma load make it far from clear that it's a USB bounce 
buffer problem and my error reports was generally ignored with the - there nothing wrong 
with the ATA code - quite correctly as it turned out but - it kept me using an old kernel
before the old brain got around to thinking about USB 

So I would love to see it fixed and I am not quite sure what the hold up is? Last time I heard
- we seemed to be caugth in between - a double "there nothing wrong with the dma code" 
and "that is the way USB works" ;-) 

I am sure there is more to it however ;-0)


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