USB device probing

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Tue Jun 17 23:45:26 UTC 2008


Can you do a udesc_dump of your troublesome device ?


On Tuesday 17 June 2008, Chuck Robey wrote:
> OK, this won't slow me up, but at some point before I finish, I need an
> answer to this question.  I've written a USB test program, to prove to
> myself that I have a firm handle on all of the required USB functions for
> my graphic tablet Xorg Xinput driver.  It ahs a single problem: my graphic
> tablet, and (it seems) all of the many tablets that are OEM copies of mine
> (the UC-Logic family of tablets), their report descriptors all have
> multiple report ID's defined in their report descriptor.  They are,
> however, only sending a single report, and it's neither the first, nor the
> most logical report ID for them to have decided upon.
> The way I tell right now which one they're sending is because the first 8
> bits of each input report is always set to the report ID.  My problem is, I
> don't get any input, if the user has just booted the machine, and hasn't
> moved the stylus around on the tablet yet.  There's nothing in the input
> buffer yet.  I don't think I can hang the input driver, waiting upon the
> first user input, because that stuff is all done in the preInit phase, and
> needs to be reported and set up for later parsing.
> Anybody know of any way to sort of goose the tablet, to FORCE an input
> report? I don't care a whit about the rest of the fields at this point,
> it's prior even to my reading of the report descriptor, so I'm not parsing
> the input yet, just trying to probe out the report ID.
> I'd feel really amateurish if I needed just to set a WAG for the report ID.
> Hell, I don't even know the universe the report IDs can be set from yet.  I
> need that first input report.
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