usb/91546: [umodem] [patch] Nokia 6630 mobile phone does notwork

M. Warner Losh imp at
Tue Sep 25 22:12:17 PDT 2007

In message: <46F9DC89.598B7C64 at>
            Eugene Grosbein <eugen at> writes:
: Warner Losh wrote:
: > 
: > Have you tried porting -current's umodem driver back to stable?  I
: > think it would work a lot better...
: I've glanced at CURRENT's umodem and there is no that code
: allowing to work with devices without CM descriptor using UNION instead...
: NetBSD has that code since 2005.
: Do you think CURRENT's umodem would be useble in this case?

My modem doesn't have a CM descriptor and I quirked it before.  I
removed the quirk code and it works now without it.  The Union code
from NetBSD didn't look relevant at all when you chased down all the
things that it actually did, but maybe I missed something.

Given that umodem from current should just work on -stable w/o any
changes (you may need ucom too, which does need one or two changes),
it would be worth a shot at trying it.


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