anyone seen this problem..

Julian Elischer julian at
Fri Nov 12 14:00:38 PST 2004

I'm working in 4.10++  plus a few MFC patches..

One of our applications regularly crashes when using a uhid device.

The stack trace and core dump makes me think it is a use-after-free 
It only happens at random intervals between 10 minutes and 1 day.
Sometimes it has done 1000s of opertaions.. sometimes it is the 2nd.

The end of the stack trace is always:

#9  0xc0298049 in usb_allocmem (bus=0xc1bec400, size=0xc, align=0x0, 
p=0xc1bed53c) at ../../dev/usb/usb_mem.c:259
#10 0xc028dc6f in ehci_allocm (bus=0xc1bec400, dma=0xc1bed53c, size=0xc) 
at ../../dev/usb/ehci.c:1024
#11 0xc0296937 in usbd_transfer (xfer=0xc1bed500) at 
#12 0xc0297c7d in usbd_bulk_transfer (xfer=0xc1bed500, pipe=0xc1e7d680, 
flags=0x4, timeout=0x3e8, buf=0xc2367000, size=0xcfc06d2c, lbl=0xc

and the place it crashes is:
[in allocmem]
256             s = splusb();
257             /* Check for free fragments. */
258             for (f = LIST_FIRST(&usb_frag_freelist); f; f = 
LIST_NEXT(f, next))
259                     if (f->block->tag == tag) <--------------------here
260                             break;
261             if (f == NULL) {

it looks on analysis that something is trashing the most recent frag 
that was freed
(i.e. the first on the list, the one pointed to by usb_frag_freelist.)

The first word of it (f->block) is set  to either "0x00000c" or "0x1000c",
where it should be a valid pointer..
It look like it's being treated like a flag of some sort..

Does this look at all familiar to anyone?

(still reading code)

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