roll call and USB "plan"

Scott Mitchell scott+freebsd at
Sun Nov 7 09:36:22 PST 2004

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 01:15:03PM -0800, Julian Elischer wrote:
> ok, so, who's subscribed? (who considers themselves able to work on USB)
> 1/ where are we?
>  I've seen USB commits recently from several people..
>  anyone have any plans and uncommitted work?

Well, I have patches against 4.x for kern/69319 and some other problems I
found while investigating it.  You, I and Warner discussed this briefly a
month or so ago, but it was understandably lost in the pre-5.3 effort.  I'd
like to get some agreement on what the correct fix is and commit it.

Other than that I'm keen to do whatever I can to improve our USB2 support,
but I need to get more familiar with the code first.


Scott Mitchell           | PGP Key ID | "Eagles may soar, but weasels
Cambridge, England       | 0x54B171B9 |  don't get sucked into jet engines"
scott at | 0xAA775B8B |      -- Anon

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