Strawman proposal: making libthr default thread implementation?

David Xu davidxu at
Wed Jul 5 04:49:12 UTC 2006

Kip Macy wrote:
> I believe that the views that Peter has expressed are held by quite a
> few. I initially integrated bike_sched in my development branch for
> the purpose of playing with different locking strategies. More
> recently I've integrated it into my stable branch after discovering
> that it greatly improved the stability of threaded applications. As a
> consequence of it being in my stable branch it has been integrated
> into a widely watched development project. I'll leave it to the
> developer on that project to discuss it on -current. As someone who
> has yet to make substantial contributions to FreeBSD it is not my
> place to advocate for or against KSE. However, I will say, without
> equivocation, that KSE needs a fair amount of TLC  in the form of
> re-factoring and bug fixes for it to have a place on future hardware.
>     -Kip
By removing M:N code, the kernel code looks pretty clean. however,
I will not agree Peter's hybrid M:N thread library idea, remember
I wrote gdb support code for libpthread and libthr, writting debugger
code for libpthread is a nightmare, the hybrid M:N will has
this problem too.

David Xu

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