Strawman proposal: making libthr default thread implementation?

Daniel Eischen deischen at
Mon Jul 3 12:08:59 UTC 2006

On Mon, 3 Jul 2006, John Birrell wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 07:48:43AM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
>> mutexes, and SCHED_RR, SCHED_FIFO, and SCHED_SPORADIC scheduling
>> (hopefully not under the restriction that you are a privileged user).
> How important are those relative to having libpthread work on other
> architectures?

It's not so much getting libpthread working on the other architectures
(sparc64 is the only Tier 1 (is Sparc64 Tier 1 yet?) that libpthread
doesn't work on).  It's being able to support the POSIX standard.
That was the goal years ago when we started the process of designing
a new thread library.  I maintain that we have to be able to support
the standard, if we can't then it's a not a good design.

> Are there any plans to get libpthread working on the other architectures?

Someone with sparc64-fu will have to do some grunt work, but
probably some can be grok'd from NetBSD (which also uses
an SA approach).


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