[fbsd] Re: system scope vs. process scope

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at le-hen.org
Mon Aug 7 21:39:31 UTC 2006

Hi John,

On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 11:34:43AM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Friday 04 August 2006 10:06, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > occasionally, I saw environnement variables LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE and
> > LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE mentionned hither and thither.  I grep(1)'ed
> > through the source tree for some documentation, but I wasn't able to
> > find any.  Read the source Luke...
> > 
> > It seems that the PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM thread attribute is the default.
> > Intuitivelely, I would say that setting the PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS
> > attribute creates a new process with its address space being shared with
> > the other userland threads (a la Linux) whereas the default behaviour is
> > to create a new kernel thread.
> > 
> > Am I right ?  What are the pros and cons of either methods ?
> That's not what it means. :)  It has to do with scheduling.  A 
> PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM will compete for the CPU with other "system" threads 
> (aka kernel threads).  That is, each userland thread has a direct kernel 
> thread that is visible to the system (kernel).  A PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS 
> thread competes for the CPU just within the current process.  That is, each 
> group of PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS thread's all share (in theory) a single kernel 
> thread that competes for CPU with other system threads.  An example might 
> explain the theory more completely.
> Suppose you have a system with 2 processes.  One process is single-threaded 
> and is CPU bound.  The other process has 2 threads both of which are also CPU 
> bound.  If the threads in the second process are PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM, then 
> each thread will get 33% of the CPU.  If the threads in the second process 
> are PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS, then the each process will get 50% of the CPU.  
> The second process will then use its own algorithm to split it's 50% of the 
> CPU up between it's two threads.  If it divides it evenly, then each of its' 
> threads will end up with 25% of the CPU whereas the thread for the first 
> process has 50% of the CPU.  The idea for this is that if you have a system 
> with several single-threaded processes and one process with 1000 threads, you 
> don't want that process to starve out all the other processes.

Thank you very much for your explanation.

I have some difficulties though to understand why this is a thread
attribute, not process-wide.  This implies that threads inside one
I don't really get the point in doing this, except if this how
libpthread manages to achieve M:N threading.

> In practice things get much hairier, but suffice it to say that libpthread 
> manages the scheduling of PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS threads in userland, whereas 
> libthr would have to depend on the kernel managing that.

How d those two attributes modify libpthread behaviour in regards
to M:N scheduling ?  I am quite puzzled about this.

> (To some extent 
> libpthread needs some help from the kernel to provide this as well.)

Scheduler Activations ?

Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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