threads/80435: panic on high loads

Imri Zvik imriz at
Thu Apr 28 10:58:18 PDT 2005


Thanks for the reply,

Doing so would be a bit of a problem as it is a production machine and I
can't just take down an ISP server, and put -current on it :)

I will try and get a similar machine to test it on, but that would take
time, if it's even possible at all.


Imri Zvik

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-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Eischen [mailto:deischen at] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:48 PM
To: Imri Zvik
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at; freebsd-threads at
Subject: Re: threads/80435: panic on high loads

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Imri Zvik wrote:
> >Release:        5.3-RELEASE-p10
> >Description:
> When the machine is under heavy load (make -j8 buildworld, for
example), it panics:

You're going to have to try and reproduce this under -stable
or -current.


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