Infinite loop bug in libc_r on 4.x with condition variables and signals

John Birrell jb at
Thu Oct 28 21:52:01 PDT 2004

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 07:41:11AM +0800, David Xu wrote:
> It would be nice if you could provide some example code, even if the code
> may contains bug, it is still good for me to see how pthread_cancel can
> cause SIG 11, because pthread_cancel seems checking everything carefully.

(Note that it is pthread_testcancel, not pthread_cancel, and it is libpthread
makeing the call, not the application directly)

Sorry, there is absolutely no way I can get a simple/example program. The
application only does it when it is loaded serving data at about 4 Mb/s.
I haven't seen the SIG 11 on any of my test systems and I *have* tried to create
test loads. It only happens on the production server serving the real world. 8-(

A second instance of the same program, running on the same server, serving a
different group of users at a lower bit rate has never had the problem.

John Birrell

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