Ports that seem to require teTeX

A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven freebsd at skysmurf.nl
Fri Mar 14 13:58:54 UTC 2014


I'm trying to install textproc/textogif and/or textproc/tex2im but run
into the following problem (using the latter as example).

With TEX_DEFAULT="texlive" in /etc/make.conf I get:
[begin log]
===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/textproc/tex2im

===>>> Gathering distinfo list for installed ports

"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.tex.mk", line 92: malformed TEX_DEFAULT: "texlive"
"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.tex.mk", line 92: malformed TEX_DEFAULT: "texlive"
===>>> Gathering dependency list for textproc/tex2im from ports
"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.tex.mk", line 92: malformed TEX_DEFAULT: "texlive"
===>>> No dependencies for textproc/tex2im

===>>> Starting build for textproc/tex2im <<<===

===>>> All dependencies are up to date

"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.tex.mk", line 92: malformed TEX_DEFAULT: "texlive"
"/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.tex.mk", line 92: malformed TEX_DEFAULT: "texlive"

===>>> make clean failed
===>>> Aborting update

===>>> Killing background jobs
[end log]

With the TEX_DEFAULT line commented out I get:
[begin log]
===>>> Starting build for textproc/tex2im <<<===

===>>> Starting check for build dependencies
===>>> Gathering dependency list for textproc/tex2im from ports

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-base
       seems to be handled by tex-web2c-20120701_2

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-base
       seems to be handled by tex-kpathsea-6.1.0_2

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-base
       seems to be handled by tex-xdvik-22.86

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-base
       seems to be handled by tex-dvipsk-5.992_1

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-base
       seems to be handled by tex-dvipdfmx-20120420_1

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-texmf
       seems to be handled by tex-web2c-20120701_2

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-texmf
       seems to be handled by tex-kpathsea-6.1.0_2

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-texmf
       seems to be handled by tex-xdvik-22.86

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-texmf
       seems to be handled by tex-dvipsk-5.992_1

===>>> The dependency for print/teTeX-texmf
       seems to be handled by tex-dvipdfmx-20120420_1

===>>> Dependency check complete for textproc/tex2im

===>  Cleaning for tex2im-1.8_9

===>  tex2im-1.8_9 conflicts with installed package(s):

      They install files into the same place.
      You may want to stop build with Ctrl + C.
===>>> Build/Install for textproc/tex2im exiting due to signal
===>>> Killing background jobs
[end log]

Does anyone know how to deal with this? Am I doing something wrong myself
or do ports that act this way need fixing? If so, what's the solution (so
I can send the maintainers patches)?

Thanks in advance.


I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.
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