Adding new "test interfaces" to work with Kyua?

Garrett Cooper yaneurabeya at
Sun Nov 24 22:34:31 UTC 2013

On Nov 24, 2013, at 2:29 PM, Julio Merino <julio at> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Garrett Cooper <yaneurabeya at> wrote:
>>        Trying to reconcile my diffs and get things sane again, I realize that due to refactoring (and especially after I installed devel/kyua) that no longer functions for me off my branch. Are there directions for how I can program in a new test interface so I can integrate prove testing into Kyua?
> What kind of interface do prove-based test programs have?  Are they
> binaries/scripts that you can just run and assume that a 0 exit code
> means passed and 1 means failed?  If yes, you'd just funnel them
> through the 'plain' interface and they should just work as a first
> cut.  (I believe this approach works for most test programs out
> there.)
> But there are some details here:
> and more in the kyua-tester manual page and its references.

It’s a bit more complex than that. nose and prove both implement collection and execution test features, meaning that it goes and figures out what to execute (for nose it’s a variety of parameters — filename, mode, etc — that determine whether or not it’s testable; for prove it’s all files with a .t extension), then executes it.

I’d like to take the error messages and make them more meaningful though, because it doesn’t help if something fails and I need to diagnose why it failed, but lost the info I need to debug the problem...

> That said... I'm not sure now if I have detailed the "protocol" in
> detail anywhere... and if not, that's something for me to start doing
> :P

That would be nice :).


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