FreeBSD Port: lang/expect /usr/local/lib/ not created

Pietro Cerutti gahr at
Wed Feb 5 11:47:43 UTC 2020

On Feb 05 2020, 02:58 UTC, Daniel Morante via freebsd-tcltk <freebsd-tcltk at> wrote:
>Looking at the devel/pecl-expect port, it's expecting to find 
>/usr/local/lib/  Currently only the following 
>ls -larths /usr/local/lib | grep expect    1 lrwxr-xr-x    1 root  
>wheel    31B Dec  8 11:02 -> 
>expect5.45.4/    1 lrwxr-xr-x    1 root  wheel    
>14B Dec  8 11:02 ->    1 drwxr-xr-x    2 
>root  wheel     4B Feb  4 19:17 expect5.45.4
>Should it create another symlink in the post-install target?
>${LN} -sf expect${PORTVERSION}/libexpect${PORTVERSION}.so 
>                ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libexpect${PORTVERSION}.so
>Or is this an issue with the devel/pecl-expect port?

Hi Daniel, I've pushed a commit in r525268. Thanks!

Pietro Cerutti

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