No man pages by default

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at
Tue Feb 19 11:12:20 UTC 2019

> On 19 Feb 2019, at 19:28, Pietro Cerutti <gahr at> wrote:
> On Feb 19 2019, 06:47 UTC, Daniel O'Connor <doconnor at> wrote:
>> Oops a co-worker reminded me I asked this in the past :)
>> A suggestion then was to use MAN_SUFFIX to avoid collisions with multiple Tcl versions being installed simultaneously so I'll see about creating patches to do that.
> Hi Daniel,
> the Tcl/Tk ports already use MAN_SUFFIX to avoid conflicts when installing multiple versions. Moreover, man pages don't imply any additional dependencies and the additional disk space needed is in my opinion reasonable (lang/tcl86 is 7.66MiB without vs. 8.74MiB with manpages on my system).
> Given these reasons, I have changed the default options of Tcl/Tk 85, 86 and 87 so that man pages are installed by default.

Well, that was easy, thanks :)

> Additionally, I have also enabled the installation of TZ data by default.

OK, to be honest I have no idea what that does - I always assumed it just used the base TZ data which was up to date anyway so it was not a particularly valuable option.

> The relevant commit is r493355.

Thanks again!

> Thanks,
>>> On 19 Feb 2019, at 17:02, Daniel O'Connor <doconnor at> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We use Tcl/Tk on FreeBSD for a lot of work things (running radar systems) and one annoying bug bear is the lack of man pages by default.
>>> The commit to disable them ( doesn't say why so I was wondering if anyone knew, and if there would be any objections to changing the default?
>>> We would very much like to transition to using FreeBSD default packages wherever possible and this would be very helpful.
>>> I did have a look in bugzilla but I couldn't find anything (apart from a few name conflicts which were fixed with some man page renames).
>>> Any information / feedback much appreciated.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
>>> for Genesis Software -
>>> "The nice thing about standards is that there
>>> are so many of them to choose from."
>>> -- Andrew Tanenbaum
> -- 
> Pietro Cerutti

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum

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