NIC Selection Menu

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Wed May 26 03:05:32 UTC 2010

On 26 May 2010 01:14, Devin Teske <dteske at> wrote:

> Solution: Sysinstall could "bold" the NIC entry in the selection menu if
> (and only-if) [a] it is able to properly probe the status of said NIC
> and [b] said status indicates that a cable is plugged into the
> interface.

Reporting/updating link status isn't a bad idea. Doing it through bold
is. There's no guarantee that the terminal you're currently using will
have support for bold characters or the current font in use will make
bold even remotely distinguishable.

Having some textual "link up", or a link status column, that may work.
But do all devices reliably report link status?

Having a sysinstall option to list the current NICs and their IP/IPv6
addresses may also help. The user could then "down" an interface.

2c, (I can't work on code for another few weeks, sorry, so this is 2c
of non-code-commentary.)


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