time_t on sparc64

Harti Brandt brandt at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Tue Oct 14 01:39:15 PDT 2003

Thanks for this info Bruce,

two questions however:

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Bruce Evans wrote:

BE>On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Harti Brandt wrote:
BE>> I just discovered that time_t is 32-bit on sparc64. One of the problems
BE>> is that struct timeval is defined by Posix as
BE>> struct timeval {
BE>> 	time_t	tv_secs;
BE>> 	suseconds_t tv_usecs;
BE>> };
BE>This is a bug in POSIX.  In BSD, tv_secs has type long which may be,
BE>and is different from time_t.

Why do you think this is a POSIX bug? Aren't we the odd man out? Now we
(and MacOS 10) require a workaround for thinks like

	printf("%s", ctime(tv.tv_secs));

which works perfect on other systems.

BE>> but _timeval.h has
BE>> struct timeval {
BE>> 	long	tv_secs;
BE>> 	suseconds_t tv_usecs;
BE>> }
BE>> This means, that our timeval is not Posix compatible. What is the reason
BE>> for time_t not beeing a long on sparc64?
BE>time_t was used in some data structures whose layout shouldn't be changed
BE>even for new arches.  Mainly in ufs in Lite2:
BE>ffs/fs.h:	time_t 	 fs_time;		/* last time written */
BE>ffs/fs.h:	time_t	 cg_time;		/* time last written */
BE>ffs/fs.h:	time_t	 cg_time;		/* time last written */
BE>lfs/lfs.h:	time_t	bi_segcreate;		/* origin segment create time */
BE>ufs/quota.h:	time_t	  dqb_btime;		/* time limit for excessive disk use */
BE>ufs/quota.h:	time_t	  dqb_itime;		/* time limit for excessive files */
BE>These are now:
BE>ffs/fs.h:	int32_t  fs_old_time;		/* last time written */
BE>ffs/fs.h:	ufs_time_t fs_time;		/* last time written */
BE>ffs/fs.h:	int32_t  cg_old_time;		/* time last written */
BE>ffs/fs.h:	ufs_time_t cg_time;		/* time last written */
BE>/dev/null:	time_t	bi_segcreate;		/* origin segment create time */
BE>ufs/quota.h:	int32_t   dqb_btime;		/* time limit for excessive disk use */
BE>ufs/quota.h:	int32_t   dqb_itime;		/* time limit for excessive files */
BE>I.e., int32_t is now not mispelled time_t in f^Hufs1 and Y2.038K bugs are
BE>fixed in ffs2 except for quotas.
BE>ffs2 also parametrizes timestamps in inodes better:
BE>ufs/dinode.h:typedef int64_t ufs_time_t;
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	ufs_time_t	di_atime;	/*  32: Last access time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	ufs_time_t	di_mtime;	/*  40: Last modified time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	ufs_time_t	di_ctime;	/*  48: Last inode change time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	ufs_time_t	di_birthtime;	/*  56: Inode creation time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_mtimensec;	/*  64: Last modified time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_atimensec;	/*  68: Last access time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_ctimensec;	/*  72: Last inode change time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_birthnsec;	/*  76: Inode creation time. */
BE>[Note that these aren't in a timespec struct, POSIX or otherwise, since the
BE>struct would give MD packing which happens to be inefficient in most cases.]
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_atime;	/*  16: Last access time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_atimensec;	/*  20: Last access time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_mtime;	/*  24: Last modified time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_mtimensec;	/*  28: Last modified time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_ctime;	/*  32: Last inode change time. */
BE>ufs/dinode.h:	int32_t		di_ctimensec;	/*  36: Last inode change time. */
BE>[Y2.038K bugs are still in ffs1.]
BE>To change time_t to 64 bits, all in-use non-transient data structures
BE>need to be changed similarly.

I guess we have to do this work before 2038, don't we? If we don't do it
before 5.2 we have to stick with this until 6.0. Correct?

harti brandt,
brandt at fokus.fraunhofer.de, harti at freebsd.org

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