10.1-BETA2 possible kernel memory leak in routing table

Rumen Telbizov telbizov at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 17:56:50 UTC 2014

Hi Alexander,

> Sorry. That meant to be "route -Arn".
> It would be even better if you show something like
> "route -Arn ; sleep 10; route -Arn"
OK I would assume you really meant netstat ;) I apologize for not pasting
the entire routing table (security considerations). If you're only after
the size of it - like I said it's pretty static and doesn't change very
often. Is there anything specific that you're after?:

netstat -rna | wc -l ; sleep 10; netstat -rna | wc -l

If you do need something specific from it I'll spend some time to anonymize
it later.

>  Ok. Are there any (relevant) messages floating inside route socket?
> e.g does "route -n monitor" shows a lot of output?

time route -n monitor

real    13m15.960s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.002s

No output. No changes whatsoever! dmesg doesn't report anything either.

> Very strange. Do you have "normal" ipv4/ipv6 traffic? (e.g. not tunneled,
> not ipsec, not all-fragmented, etc?)
> ixgbe marks all packets by received queue id number, and queue 0 is always
> selected for "corner case" traffic.
> I see more or less equal traffic distribution in you original post, so
> this looks very strange for me.

Most of it should be pretty standard. Very few fragments and some ipsec
(not terminated on the firewall). Again without this option - nothing goes
over ix1 for some reason.

> Can you show "sysctl dev.ix" output? (and any ixgbe tunables set if any)?

I do have 3 settings that I changed via loader.conf as reported in the
original email. Please find the full output of loader.conf, sysctl.conf as
well as sysctl hw.ix and sysctl dev.ix at http://pastebin.com/M5Stnfvt

Thank you for your help.

Rumen Telbizov
Unix Systems Administrator <http://telbizov.com>

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