nvd disk on nvme controller not detected at boot-time

Maikel Verheijen Maikel.Verheijen at redwood.com
Fri Oct 17 08:37:59 UTC 2014

Hi Jim,

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Maikel Verheijen <Maikel.Verheijen at redwood.com<mailto:Maikel.Verheijen at redwood.com>> wrote:
Hi Jim,

I'm currently running FreeBSD 10.0 with updates from freebsd-update. Would FreeBSD 10.1-RC be safe for a production environment or would it be better to wait until the real release? The machine is not used for production yet, but we do want to go live with it in the near future. I currently use a “workaround”, I’m not loading ZFS at boot time but use a custom RC script to load the nvd module, test if the nvd0 disk is there, then load the ZFS module. That seems to work for now, but having it work “out of the box” would be better, and a lot less prone to manual mistakes made by me :)
I cannot recommend whether 10.1-RC would be safe for a production environment, but you could certainly use 10.1-RC to at least confirm it fixes the issues described.

You could also apply these two patches to your 10.0 kernel tree and rebuild just nvme.ko.
Thank you for your quick reply. We’ll test 10.1-rc, then wait for 10.1 release.  We prefer to use the freebsd-update tool to keep the system up to date rather than to build our own kernel.

Best regards,

Best regards,

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