Gmirror + gpart corruption on 9.3-PRE

Dave Hayes dave at
Fri Jul 25 02:28:47 UTC 2014

At 9.3-PRERELEASE #0 r268066M I've been trying unsucessfuly to set up a 
brand shiny new gmirror + gpt style Raid 0 mirror using the following 
procedure on a disk

  gpart create -s gpt ada0
  ( shows 931G of space)
  gpart add -s 96G -t freebsd-swap -l swap0 ada0
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l rw0 ada0
  gpart create -s gpt ada1
  gpart add -s 96G -t freebsd-swap -l swap1 ada1
  gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l rw1 ada1
  gmirror label swap /dev/ada0p1 /dev/ada1p1
  gmirror label rw   /dev/ada0p2 /dev/ada1p2
  gpart create -s gpt mirror/swap
  gpart add -s95G -t freebsd-swap -l FBCDSWAP mirror/swap
  gpart create -s gpt mirror/rw
  gpart add -s833G -t freebsd-ufs -l FBCDRW mirror/rw

This consistently gives me the dreaded

  GEOM: mirror/rw: the secondary GPT table is corrupt or invalid

just as soon as I provision the mirror/rw device.

I have tried many ideas of padding these partitions so I don't get this 
message, but to noavail. I'm willing to try more, the machine isn't live 
(yet) so it can sit here while it gets figured out. :)

Back at 9.2-PRERELEASE #0 r255456 I used the same procedure for setting 
up a gmirror, and this worked fine with no corruption. Here's the 
partition table:

 > gpart show
=>       34  976773101  ada0  GPT  (465G)
          34   46245840     1  freebsd-swap  (22G)
    46245874  930523232     2  freebsd-ufs  (443G)
   976769106       4029        - free -  (2M)

=>       34  976773101  ada1  GPT  (465G)
          34   46245840     1  freebsd-swap  (22G)
    46245874  930523232     2  freebsd-ufs  (443G)
   976769106       4029        - free -  (2M)

=>      34  46245772  mirror/swap0  GPT  (22G)
         34  46245772             1  freebsd-swap  (22G)

=>       34  930523164  mirror/rw0  GPT  (443G)
          34  926941184           1  freebsd-ufs  (442G)
   926941218    3581980              - free -  (1.7G)

I've since upgraded this machine to the exact same 9.3 revision and it 
still works fine, no corruption. Am I missing something or did something 
change in between these two revisions that makes it difficult or 
different to set up?

Thanks in advance for any insight you all can provide.
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

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