New port: inofficial/deploy-tools

Harald Schmalzbauer h.schmalzbauer at
Thu Sep 6 19:23:43 UTC 2012


for people needing to setup various production systems, multiple times
for the same basic hardware but for different purposes, and mainly for
people installing embedded systems, my collection of scripts/Makefiles
named "deploy-tools" may be of interest.
It makes use of standard FreeBSD make processes, but modified in a way
that you can handle multiple rollouts in parallel, none touching the
regular /usr/src /usr/obj trees.

You can "menu" driven (by sbin/deploy-manager):
- checkout source (svn+cvsup) and auto-apply local patches
- build world/kernel
- rollout installer-cd image of the customized system with
- rollout "firmware" (RAM-root) images
- flash card management for installing firmware images / packages

The basic idea is to share platform config for various systems not
related otherwise.
And of course to manage/archive the configs/results.
Therefor the configs are organized in projetcs, which basically is
nothing more than a distinct directory tree.
The deploy-manager can initialize such projects, taking care of all
mandatory config files (provided as templates/examples).

"deploy-tools" is the aggregation of several scripts/tools/Makefiles
I've been using myself for several years.
Only very view "make targets" are reachable by menu, but most of the
not-reachable-ones are irrelevant for regular usage.
Most important part is the "Embedded Systems" management. This emerged
from a former project named FlashBSD. Aim was, to shrink a standard
FreeBSD system to fit on a 64MB CF-Card, while still providing most of
the admin's features like on regular systems (man pages etc). It makes
use of standard processes as much as possible (unlike many other milli-
micro- nano- projects) and ensures high robustnes for the target

Feedback of course is welcome.
No man page available but you'll get infos/advices/descriptions during
project initialization.
Place it into usr/ports/inofficial gunzip and run the shell archive.
Then you can install it like every other port.

It's not feature complete yet, and may make assumptions not fitting for
everybody, but if you're tired manually applying local patches,
comparing/copying/merging configurations and doing over and over the
same, it may be helpful.
Especially if you want to setup any WRAP/NET devices! And also for
VMWARE rollouts! You can have a ISO ready for auto-installtion with very
view key strokes, idle brain and lots of spare time - depending on your
building machine ;-)
Only tested on FreeBSD 9, CD-imaging won't work on systems with makefs
lacking cd9660 support!


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