Why Are You Using FreeBSD?

Damien Fleuriot ml at my.gd
Thu May 31 10:07:00 UTC 2012

On 5/30/12 8:20 PM, David Chisnall wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> This is off-topic, so please feel free to disregard it, but I'm sending it to this list in the hope that it will reach a largish number of users.  
> I am currently looking at updating some of our advocacy material (which advertises exciting new features like SMP support), and before I do I'd like to get a better feel for why the rest of you are using FreeBSD.  If you had to list the three things you most like about FreeBSD, which would you pick?  Are they the same as when you first started using it?  
> David

We're using FreeBSD here only for firewall boxes.

Reasons for using FBSD for firewalls:
- relayd
- PF
- pfsync

Reasons I can't get management to use FBSD for regular servers (web,
haproxy, db...):
- "hard" to use
- update process is "hard", time-consuming and annoying (as opposed to
debian's for example)

A regular debian update is 5 minutes + reboot
A regular FBSD update is about 1.5 hour + 3 reboots (after
installkernel, installworld, rebuild of ports)

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