superpages not solving "PV entries" limit warning

Charles Owens cowens at
Thu May 10 06:24:29 UTC 2012

Hi fellow BSD-types,

I have a buy system that forks lots of processes and I see repeatedly 
the message:  "Approaching the limit on PV entries, consider increasing 
either the vm.pmap.shpgperproc or the vm.pmap.pv_entry_max tunable".  My 
research suggested that enabling the "superpages" feature via sysctl 
vm.pmap.pg_ps_enabled was the best action... that doing so would quite 
the warning and improve memory mapping efficiency.

As far as I can tell, however, "superpages" haven't done this -- well, 
to be specific, I can say at least that they haven't quieted the 
warning.  Since I'm still seeing the warning, do I need to tune 
something else?  Other comments?

System details:

  * 8.1-RELEASE-p2 i386 PAE kernel
  * 6 GB RAM

Thanks very much!


Charles Owens
Great Bay Software, Inc.

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