ULE Scheduler

Момчил Иванов momchil at xaxo.eu
Mon Jun 11 19:06:38 UTC 2012

At Sat, 09 Jun 2012 20:23:44 -0700,
Doug Barton wrote:
> On 06/06/2012 18:16, Doug Barton wrote:
> > On 06/06/2012 18:01, Момчил Иванов wrote:
> >> Is there some remedy?
> > 
> > Try the 4BSD scheduler.
> Did you ever try this? Did it help?

I compiled the same kernel with the 4BSD scheduler today and it seems
that the processes jump accross cores too. My "eye" measure with "top"
fells like it's more stable and probably converges faster to a stable
state after "top" jumps accross cores. But in order to talk with
numbers, I need to replace "top" with somethings that dumps the
process number and the cpu id continuously in order to get some
statistics out of it, otherwise you can just forget all the things
that I have written. Is there an easy way to do that and are you


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