Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD ?

Martin Sugioarto martin at sugioarto.com
Sun Jun 10 10:12:31 UTC 2012

Am Sat, 09 Jun 2012 21:09:09 +0700
schrieb Adam Strohl <adams-freebsd at ateamsystems.com>:

> I get the feeling people are updating their ports tree and then 
> recompiling/reinstalling everything "just because" and then are 
> complaining when one thing breaks (its the only thing I can think of).


But it does not need to break. Sometimes it would be enough just to
test if the port compiles before committing it (I'm talking about
libreoffice here which is broken). Some people rely on some essential
ports. I can understand that porters are not Gods and make errors, but
they should be fixed within hours, when they have been found on
important ports.

I mean, ports collection is sure great and this is one of the aspects
why I am using FreeBSD, but at the moment FreeBSD is losing strength
here, in my opinion.

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