Mergemaster Fails

Chris Nehren apeiron+freebsd-stable at
Thu Jun 7 17:55:14 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jun 07, 2012 at 10:05:24 -0700 , Thomas D. Dean wrote:
> On 06/06/12 21:20, Chris Nehren wrote:
> >Have you tried ctrl-t? This will send SIGINFO to the process which
> No response to any key except ^z
> >Additionally, the output of ps ax -d (show process trees) would be
> >helpful. This should also show what mergemaster is waiting on.
> >
> Viewing the output of the script with vi
> ...
>  ^M
> @@ -4165,7 +4173,7 @@^M
>         match "bus" "uhub[0-9]+";^M
>         match "mode" "host";^M
>         match "vendor" "0x9710";^M
> -       match "product" "0x7830";^M
> +       match "product" "(0x7830|0x7832)";^M
>         action "kldload -n if_mos";^M
> [snipped]
> There are a large number of control characters, then (END) then, no
> response to any key except ^z.

It looks like there's a pager (probably less) that's waiting for you to
respond. The output suggests it's showing you the results of diffing an
old file with a new one--could be either /etc/devd.conf or

> from ps -ax -d:
> [snipped]
> 1339 1338 R     0:06.58 |       |-- /usr/local/bin/X :0 -auth
> /home/tomdean/.se
> 1341 1338 I     0:00.01 |       `-- /usr/local/bin/xterm -j -sk -sb
> -sl 1000 -f
> 1342 1341 I     0:00.01 |         |-- twm
> 1343 1341 S     0:00.07 |         |-- xclock -digital -update 1
> -geometry 230x3
> 1344 1341 I     0:00.01 |         |-- /usr/local/bin/xterm -j -sk -sb
> -sl 1000
> 1354 1344 Is+   0:00.02 |         | `-- tcsh
> 1363 1354 I     0:00.01 |         |   `-- /usr/local/bin/xterm -bd
> red -cr red
> 1365 1363 Is    0:00.01 |         |     `-- su
> 1366 1365 I     0:00.01 |         |       `-- _su (csh)
> 1368 1366 I+    0:00.00 |         |         `-- script /tmp/mergemaster
> 1369 1368 Is    0:00.01 |         |           `-- /bin/csh -i
> 1371 1369 I+    0:00.05 |         |             `-- /bin/sh
> /usr/sbin/mergemast
> 2423 1371 I+    0:00.00 |         |               `-- less

And this confirms it. So you'll probably want to examine the changes in
the script(1) output and then quit the pager.

I would also recommend running mergemaster in single user mode to avoid
this sort of thing. X11 complicates things an awful lot.

Thanks and best regards,
Chris Nehren
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