Freebsd.update 8.2 to 9.0 Success

Thomas D. Dean tomdean at
Tue Jan 31 20:16:05 UTC 2012

Maybe the wrong list, but, this was from STABLE -> STABLE.

I have an old 32-bit machine that had 8.2-STABLE on it.

I tried to upgrade using 8.2 update

# freebsd.update upgrade -r 9.0
failed with the no more mirrors message
# env UNAME_r=8.2-RELEASE freebsd.update upgrade -r 9.0
failed with the no more mirrors message
I tried
# sed -i '' -e 's/=_/=%@_/' /usr/sbin/freebsd-update
# env UNAME_r=8.2-RELEASE freebsd.update upgrade -r 9.0
similar failure

I copied freebsd.update from my 9.0 amd64 system.

# env UNAME_r=8.2-RELEASE ./freebsd.update upgrade -r 9.0


After following directions until update completed and updating ports 
with portupgrade -a -PP, the 32-bit machine was running 9.0 with no 
known problems.

I changed stable-supfile to
    *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_9

I updated the source tree, did the '11 step program' in
/usr/src/Makefile.  All succeeded.

 > ssh <32-bit machine> uname -a
FreeBSD asus.tddhome 9.0-STABLE FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #0: Tue Jan 31 
07:39:04 PST 2012     tomdean at asus.tddhome:/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Tom Dean

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