"log_sysevent: type 19 is not implemented" messages during boot

C. P. Ghost cpghost at cordula.ws
Tue Aug 9 18:07:16 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Olivier Smedts <olivier at gid0.org> wrote:
> 2011/6/17 Rolf Nielsen <listreader at lazlarlyricon.com>:
>> 2011-06-17 16:29, Artem Belevich skrev:
>> <...>
>>>> Are you sure that it's harmless? It appeared for me as an evidence of
>>>> pool
>>>> breakage. I had these messages when I ran any zpool command on broken
>>>> pool.
>>>> I do't havesingle one after pool is fixed. Here's my thread on freebsd-fs
>>>> :
>>>> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-fs/2011-June/011639.html
>>> Indeed. Same story here. Last week I've got my pool corrupted due to a
>>> bad memory stick.  Then I've got tons of thse "log_sysevent: type
>>> 19..." messages. After re-importing the pool with -F the messages went
>>> away. So, from where I stand, those messages do seem to correlate with
>>> a problem and should not be hushed by default.
> On mine, it pops up at boot on the console if the cache device is
> inaccessible (usb key). No real problem on the pool, but an
> information with more meaning would be useful.

On one of my test systems, I have a zpool consisting of
3 HDDs in external enclosures attached via eSATA ports.

If the enclosures are not powered (i.e. the disks are off),
and the system boots, then this message appears. Of
course, the zpool isn't available then, not being available

OTOH, when the enclosures are on, and the system
boots, this message doesn't show up, and the zpool
is available and healthy alright.

This message appeared since ZFSv28, and on this system
and in this specific scenario, it is absolutely harmless.

>> /Rolf
> Olivier Smedts                                                 _


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