ZFS tuning [was: hardware for home use large storage]

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Mon Feb 15 21:20:37 UTC 2010

Alexander Leidinger wrote:


>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.c
>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.c_min
>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.c_max
> c_max is vfs.zfs.arc_max, c_min is vfs.zfs.arc_min.
>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.evict_skip
>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.memory_throttle_count
>> kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.size
> I'm not very sure about size and c... both represent some kind of
> current size, but they are not the same.
> About the tuning I would recommend to depend upon a more human readable
> representation. I've seen someone posting something like this, but I do
> not know how it was generated (some kind of script, but I do not know
> where to get it).

I think you are referring to this script:
and its FreeBSD version

It gives output like this:

# arc_summary.sh

System Memory:
          Physical RAM:  4978 MB
          Free Memory :  755 MB

ARC Size:
          Current Size:             1028 MB (arcsize)
          Target Size (Adaptive):   1028 MB (c)
          Min Size (Hard Limit):    50 MB (zfs_arc_min)
          Max Size (Hard Limit):    1205 MB (zfs_arc_max)

ARC Size Breakdown:
          Most Recently Used Cache Size:          93%    963 MB (p)
          Most Frequently Used Cache Size:         6%    65 MB (c-p)

ARC Efficency:
          Cache Access Total:             358720716
          Cache Hit Ratio:      97%       350351031      [Defined State 
for buffer]
          Cache Miss Ratio:      2%       8369685        [Undefined 
State for Buffer]
          REAL Hit Ratio:       76%       272917080      [MRU/MFU Hits Only]

          Data Demand   Efficiency:    96%
          Data Prefetch Efficiency:    27%

           Anon:                       22%        77179355 
  [ New Customer, First Cache Hit ]
           Most Recently Used:         45%        158252587 (mru) 
  [ Return Customer ]
           Most Frequently Used:       32%        114664493 (mfu) 
  [ Frequent Customer ]
           Most Recently Used Ghost:    0%        9777 (mru_ghost) 
  [ Return Customer Evicted, Now Back ]
           Most Frequently Used Ghost:  0%        244819 (mfu_ghost) 
  [ Frequent Customer Evicted, Now Back ]
           Demand Data:                 1%        4375918
           Prefetch Data:               0%        150148
           Demand Metadata:            76%        267830502
           Prefetch Metadata:          22%        77994463
           Demand Data:                 1%        135956
           Prefetch Data:               4%        400434
           Demand Metadata:            73%        6177748
           Prefetch Metadata:          19%        1655547

Another useful script is arcstat.pl from
There are FreeBSD version floating around but I can't find a link to it, 
so I am sending it as attachment.

It would be nice to have some "standardized" scripts for monitoring & 
debugging ZFS issues attached to FreeBSD Wiki page about ZFS tuning. 
Then everebody will use the same scripts, same output format. It will be 
easier to compare results in discussions etc.

So if anybody of you have write permissions to Wiki, can you add those 
two scripts? (or make some better ;])

Understanding to tuning of ZFS is really hard with lack of documentation ;(

Miroslav Lachman
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Print out ZFS ARC Statistics exported via kstat(1)
# For a definition of fields, or usage, use arctstat.pl -v
# Author: Neelakanth Nadgir http://blogs.sun.com/realneel
# Comments/Questions/Feedback to neel_sun.com or neel_gnu.org
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Fields have a fixed width. Every interval, we fill the "v"
# hash with its corresponding value (v[field]=value) using calculate(). 
# @hdr is the array of fields that needs to be printed, so we
# just iterate over this array and print the values using our pretty printer.

use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
#use Sun::Solaris::Kstat;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Handle;

my %cols = (# HDR => [Size, Description]
	"Time"	=>[8, "Time"],
	"hits"	=>[4, "Arc reads per second"],
	"miss"	=>[4, "Arc misses per second"],
	"read"	=>[4, "Total Arc accesses per second"],
	"Hit%"	=>[4, "Arc Hit percentage"],
	"miss%"	=>[5, "Arc miss percentage"],
	"dhit"	=>[4, "Demand Data hits per second"],
	"dmis"	=>[4, "Demand Data misses per second"],
	"dh%"	=>[3, "Demand Data hit percentage"],
	"dm%"	=>[3, "Demand Data miss percentage"],
	"phit"	=>[4, "Prefetch hits per second"],
	"pmis"	=>[4, "Prefetch misses per second"],
	"ph%"	=>[3, "Prefetch hits percentage"],
	"pm%"	=>[3, "Prefetch miss percentage"],
	"mhit"	=>[4, "Metadata hits per second"],
	"mmis"	=>[4, "Metadata misses per second"],
	"mread"	=>[5, "Metadata accesses per second"],
	"mh%"	=>[3, "Metadata hit percentage"],
	"mm%"	=>[3, "Metadata miss percentage"],
	"arcsz"	=>[5, "Arc Size"],
	"c" 	=>[4, "Arc Target Size"],
	"mfu" 	=>[4, "MFU List hits per second"],
	"mru" 	=>[4, "MRU List hits per second"],
	"mfug" 	=>[4, "MFU Ghost List hits per second"],
	"mrug" 	=>[4, "MRU Ghost List hits per second"],
	"eskip"	=>[5, "evict_skip per second"],
	"mtxmis"=>[6, "mutex_miss per second"],
	"rmis"	=>[4, "recycle_miss per second"],
	"dread"	=>[5, "Demand data accesses per second"],
	"pread"	=>[5, "Prefetch accesses per second"],
my %v=();
my @hdr = qw(Time read miss miss% dmis dm% pmis pm% mmis mm% arcsz c);
my @xhdr = qw(Time mfu mru mfug mrug eskip mtxmis rmis dread pread read);
my $int = 1;		# Print stats every 1 second by default
my $count = 0;		# Print stats forever
my $hdr_intr = 20;	# Print header every 20 lines of output
my $opfile = "";
my $sep = "  ";		# Default seperator is 2 spaces
my $version = "0.1";
my $cmd = "Usage: arcstat.pl [-hvx] [-f fields] [-o file] [interval [count]]\n";
my %cur;
my %d;
my $out;
my $kstat; # = Sun::Solaris::Kstat->new();

sub kstat_update {
	my @k = `sysctl 'kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats'`;

	undef $kstat;

	foreach my $k (@k) {
	  chomp $k;
	  my ($name,$value) = split /:/, $k;
	  my @z = split /\./, $name;
	  my $n = pop @z;
	  ${kstat}->{zfs}->{0}->{arcstats}->{$n} = $value;

sub detailed_usage {
	print STDERR "Arcstat version $version\n$cmd";
	print STDERR "Field definitions are as follows\n";
	foreach my $hdr (keys %cols) {
		print STDERR sprintf("%6s : %s\n", $hdr, $cols{$hdr}[1]);
	print STDERR "\nNote: K=10^3 M=10^6 G=10^9 and so on\n";


sub usage {
	print STDERR "Arcstat version $version\n$cmd";
	print STDERR "\t -x : Print extended stats\n";
	print STDERR "\t -f : Specify specific fields to print (see -v)\n";
	print STDERR "\t -o : Print stats to file\n";
	print STDERR "\t -s : Specify a seperator\n\nExamples:\n";
	print STDERR "\tarcstat -o /tmp/a.log 2 10\n";
	print STDERR "\tarcstat -s , -o /tmp/a.log 2 10\n";
	print STDERR "\tarcstat -v\n";
	print STDERR "\tarcstat -f Time,Hit%,dh%,ph%,mh%\n";

sub init {
	my $desired_cols;
	my $xflag = '';
	my $hflag = '';
	my $vflag;
	my $res = GetOptions('x' => \$xflag,
		'o=s' => \$opfile,
		'help|h|?' => \$hflag,
		'v' => \$vflag,
		's=s' => \$sep,
		'f=s' => \$desired_cols);
	$int = $ARGV[0] || $int;
	$count = $ARGV[1] || $count;
	usage() if !$res or $hflag or ($xflag and $desired_cols);
	detailed_usage() if $vflag;
	@hdr = @xhdr if $xflag;		#reset headers to xhdr
	if ($desired_cols) {
		@hdr = split(/[ ,]+/, $desired_cols);
		# Now check if they are valid fields
		my @invalid = ();
		foreach my $ele (@hdr) {
			push(@invalid, $ele) if not exists($cols{$ele});
		if (scalar @invalid > 0) {
			print STDERR "Invalid column definition! -- "
				. "@invalid\n\n";
	if ($opfile) {
		open($out, ">$opfile") ||die "Cannot open $opfile for writing";
		select $out;

# Capture kstat statistics. We maintain 3 hashes, prev, cur, and
# d (delta). As their names imply they maintain the previous, current,
# and delta (cur - prev) statistics.
sub snap_stats {
	my %prev = %cur;

	my $hashref_cur = $kstat->{"zfs"}{0}{"arcstats"};
	%cur = %$hashref_cur;
	foreach my $key (keys %cur) {
		next if $key =~ /class/;
		if (defined $prev{$key}) {
			$d{$key} = $cur{$key} - $prev{$key};
		} else {
			$d{$key} = $cur{$key};

# Pretty print num. Arguments are width and num
sub prettynum {
	my @suffix=(' ','K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z');
	my $num = $_[1] || 0;
	my $sz = $_[0];
	my $index = 0;
	return sprintf("%s", $num) if not $num =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/;
	while ($num > 1000 and $index < 8) {
		$num = $num/1000;
	return sprintf("%*d", $sz, $num) if ($index == 0);
	return sprintf("%*d%s", $sz - 1, $num,$suffix[$index]);

sub print_values {
	foreach my $col (@hdr) {
		printf("%s%s", prettynum($cols{$col}[0], $v{$col}), $sep);

sub print_header {
	foreach my $col (@hdr) {
		printf("%*s%s", $cols{$col}[0], $col, $sep);

sub calculate {
	$v{"Time"} = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime);
	$v{"hits"} = $d{"hits"}/$int;
	$v{"miss"} = $d{"misses"}/$int;
	$v{"read"} = $v{"hits"} + $v{"miss"};
	$v{"Hit%"} = 100*$v{"hits"}/$v{"read"} if $v{"read"} > 0;
	$v{"miss%"} = 100 - $v{"Hit%"} if $v{"read"} > 0;

	$v{"dhit"} = ($d{"demand_data_hits"} + $d{"demand_metadata_hits"})/$int;
	$v{"dmis"} = ($d{"demand_data_misses"}+$d{"demand_metadata_misses"})/$int;
	$v{"dread"} = $v{"dhit"} + $v{"dmis"};
	$v{"dh%"} = 100*$v{"dhit"}/$v{"dread"} if $v{"dread"} > 0;
	$v{"dm%"} = 100 - $v{"dh%"} if $v{"dread"} > 0;

	$v{"phit"}=($d{"prefetch_data_hits"} + $d{"prefetch_metadata_hits"})/$int;
	$v{"pread"} = $v{"phit"} + $v{"pmis"};
	$v{"ph%"} = 100*$v{"phit"}/$v{"pread"} if $v{"pread"} > 0;
	$v{"pm%"} = 100 - $v{"ph%"} if $v{"pread"} > 0;

	$v{"mread"} = $v{"mhit"} + $v{"mmis"};
	$v{"mh%"} = 100*$v{"mhit"}/$v{"mread"} if $v{"mread"} > 0;
	$v{"mm%"} = 100 - $v{"mh%"} if $v{"mread"} > 0;

	$v{"arcsz"} = $cur{"size"};
	$v{"c"} = $cur{"c"};
	$v{"mfu"} = $d{"hits"}/$int;
	$v{"mru"} = $d{"mru_hits"}/$int;
	$v{"mrug"} = $d{"mru_ghost_hits"}/$int;
	$v{"mfug"} = $d{"mru_ghost_hits"}/$int;
	$v{"eskip"} = $d{"evict_skip"}/$int;
	$v{"rmiss"} = $d{"recycle_miss"}/$int;
	$v{"mtxmis"} = $d{"mutex_miss"}/$int;

sub main {
	my $i = 0;
	my $count_flag = 0;

	if ($count > 0) { $count_flag = 1; }
	while (1) {
		print_header() if ($i == 0);
		last if ($count_flag == 1 && $count-- <= 1);
		$i = ($i == $hdr_intr) ? 0 : $i+1;
	close($out) if defined $out;


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